
Chinese pancake with shrimp and zucchini 虾仁糊塌子

Easy to make. And you can use ground beef or ground pork instead of shrimp.

Ingredients: 2 egg, 2 small zucchinis, 2 green onion very well chopped, 1/4 cup cooked shrimp, a pinch of five spice powder, 1/6 tsp ground Szechuan peppercorn (or use ground black pepper instead), salt (a bit more than 1/2 tsp kosher salt),  black sesame seeds, flour (about 1/2 cup), oil
食材:2个鸡蛋,2个小西葫芦,2颗香葱切碎,1/4杯熟虾仁,1小撮五香粉,1/6茶匙花椒粉(或者用黑胡椒代替),盐(比1/2茶匙略多的kusher 盐),黑芝麻适量,面粉(大约半杯),食用油。

Instructions 步骤:
1: Chop shrimp very well. Chop off both ends of zucchini and shred zucchini. Add chopped shrimp, shredded zucchini, sesame, salt, five spice powder, egg, ground peppercorn into a big bowl. Mix well and set aside for 10mins to let zucchini liquid come out. And add some chili powder if you love spicy taste.

2: There is liquid in the bowl already. Add flour into the bowl without adding more water expect if it's too dry. Mix everything together. Make sure the mixing paste is not too dry, just a bit trier than yogurt (see the picture).
2:西葫芦出水后,加入面粉,无需再另外加水除非太干。 混合均匀后一定注意面糊不要太干,比我们吃的酸奶稍干一点就行。(参考照片)。

3:Add a bit oil in a pan. 3 tbsp of paste for one pancake. Cook both sides until it's a little bit brown.


Potato stew with pork 红烧土豆

This is the best simple version potato stew, very rich taste without any butter. The pork I use in this dish is boneless pork ribs. The stew juice goes very well with any kind of rice. I kind of made this in a short and there is no decorating pieces for good picture, but 100% guarantee good taste. The following ingredients is for 2-3 servings.
这道菜被我暗自称颂为“最简单美味的红烧土豆”。味道浓郁并且香糯,没有任何奶油或者黄油哦。 这道菜里的猪肉我用的是排骨剔下来的骨头肉,不肥不腻。这道菜我做得比较匆忙,没什么装饰食材来装饰照片,但是绝对保证百分百美味哦。红烧土豆的汤汁与米饭混合是十分下饭的哦。下面的食材是2-3人份的哦。

Ingredients: 5 potatoes (white or gold or small new potatoes, not the kind with red skin),  1 thai or 1mexican red chili finely chopped (optional), water, 1 cup diced boneless pork ribs, 3-4 slice ginger, 1.5 tbsp oil, 1.5 tbsp Szechuan bean paste chili (optional, but add extra 0.5tbsp soy sauce if you don't use this paste chili), 1tsp Siracha sauce, 3tbsp soy sauce, 3tbsp cooking wine, 1/8 tsp sea salt, 1tsp sugar, 1 bay leaf, a pinch of Chinese five spice powder
食材:5个土豆(黄皮或白皮土豆或新小土豆,不要用红色皮),1颗小红米椒切碎,水,1杯切丁猪肉,3-4片姜,1.5汤匙油,1.5汤匙四川豆瓣酱(或者用其它辣酱),1茶匙越南siracha 辣酱,3汤匙酱油,3汤匙米酒,1/8茶匙盐,1茶匙白糖,1片香叶(肉桂叶),1小撮五香粉

Instructions 步骤:
1: Clean the potatoes, chopped to any kind of chunk you like and soak in the water. 

2: Heat up the oil on low. Add Szechuan bean chili stirring for 5 seconds . Turn the heat to medium-high. Add ginger, fresh chopped chili, pork stirring for 40 seconds. 

3: Add potatoes, soy sauce, cooking wine, bay leaf, sugar, salt, Siracha sauce, five spice powder and stir for 2mins. Add enough water to totally cover the potatoes. Cook with the lid on for 12mins after it's boiling. Take off the lid and cook until there is only liquid left.