Ingredients: 2 egg, 2 small zucchinis, 2 green onion very well chopped, 1/4 cup cooked shrimp, a pinch of five spice powder, 1/6 tsp ground Szechuan peppercorn (or use ground black pepper instead), salt (a bit more than 1/2 tsp kosher salt), black sesame seeds, flour (about 1/2 cup), oil
食材:2个鸡蛋,2个小西葫芦,2颗香葱切碎,1/4杯熟虾仁,1小撮五香粉,1/6茶匙花椒粉(或者用黑胡椒代替),盐(比1/2茶匙略多的kusher 盐),黑芝麻适量,面粉(大约半杯),食用油。
Instructions 步骤:
1: Chop shrimp very well. Chop off both ends of zucchini and shred zucchini. Add chopped shrimp, shredded zucchini, sesame, salt, five spice powder, egg, ground peppercorn into a big bowl. Mix well and set aside for 10mins to let zucchini liquid come out. And add some chili powder if you love spicy taste.
2: There is liquid in the bowl already. Add flour into the bowl without adding more water expect if it's too dry. Mix everything together. Make sure the mixing paste is not too dry, just a bit trier than yogurt (see the picture).
2:西葫芦出水后,加入面粉,无需再另外加水除非太干。 混合均匀后一定注意面糊不要太干,比我们吃的酸奶稍干一点就行。(参考照片)。
3:Add a bit oil in a pan. 3 tbsp of paste for one pancake. Cook both sides until it's a little bit brown.
我要做这个。:) iVy