Ingredients: 1/4 cup dried blackeye beans or other beans, 2 lb. organic fresh chicken drumsticks, 1tsp sesame oil, 1tsp regular oil, 3 tbsp soy sauce, 4 tbsp rice cooking wine, 1tbsp sugar, 1.5 cup fresh squeezed orange juice, 2 tsp meat seasoning (or use ground black peppercorn + a tiny pinch of sea salt + 1 tsp mustard), chili powder (optional), 1tsp black sesame seeds
Instructions 步骤:
1: Unless you use fresh or frozen beans like edamame any kind of dried beans have to be soaked. Soak blackeye beans in cold water for 30mins. Bring to boiling water to cooking for 15mins.
2: Score both sides of the drumsticks with fork 4 times. Sprinkle some seasoning powder on the drumsticks and massage for 30 seconds. Set aside for 10mins. Here like I mentioned before, you can totally only use ground black peppercorn+a tiny pinch sea salt +spicy mustard instead of buying some new seasoning powder.
2:用叉子将翅根两面撮几下,可以更入味。 撒上腌肉香料,按摩30秒后放置10分钟代用。这里再啰嗦一下,大家不用专门买腌肉料,特别是国内的朋友。简单用黑胡椒粉+一丁点海盐+辣芥末(国内的朋友买不到辣芥末,可以不用),抹在翅根上一样美味。
4: When all the juice reduced to about 2 tbsp left with very thick texture (like in the picture blow), use knife having a small cut into the biggest drumstick to make sure it's cooked. If the meat in the cut is white then the dish is done. (If not, add a little bit more water and cook with lid a bit more ).
Tips: There is nothing difficult, just make sure the chicken drumsticks are cooked.